Flare Noise

Type of complaint: Flaring - - Noise
Call received: 14/01/2015 8:00pm

Complaint Details

Date of observation:14/01/2015 8:00pm
Date of call:14/01/2015 8:00pm
Street: Belmar Avenue


Wind directionWSW (240)
Wind Speed21 Knots
Investigation result

Qenos Olefins Cogeneration plant had an unscheduled shutdown interrupting the sites steam supply. The Olefins process plants were both shutdown due to the loss of steam supply causing in high flaring rates while the feed was removed from the plants. There was some smoke during the initial flare control system response 


The plant feed rates were reduced as rapidly as practical to reduce the flaring with off site noise reduced by 8 pm,

The plants were restarted over the next week once the steam supply had been re established


OriginQenos Olefins