Plastic, Paint thinner type odour

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions - - Paint Thinners
Call received: 13/12/2014 9:00am

Complaint Details

Date of observation:13/12/2014 9:00am
Date of call:13/12/2014 9:00am
Street: Linnet Street


Wind directionNorth
Wind Speed13-16 knotts
Investigation result

Odour noticed from about 08:30 to 09:10.   It was a solvent/paint thinners type odour and similar to previous calls he had made earlier in year. Odour strength rated to about 5/10.  No odour detected during investigation, Checked fence line of all complex companies and no odours detected. 


No source for odour confirmed. Wind direction consistent with Complex but thinners odour character not likely to be from Complex for wind direction.


OriginSource not identified unlikely complex