Acetone Like Odour

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions -
Call received: 24/01/2020 4:07am


Complaint Details

Date of observation:24/01/2020 3:00am
Date of call:24/01/2020 4:07am
Street:Corner Maidstone St & Civic Pde


Wind directionNorth North West
Wind Speed6 to 11 Knots
Investigation result

Site investigation did not identify processes or activities potentially associated with the reported odour.  Investigation along Maidstone St to the callers location did not detect odours.  Potential odours from the complex are very unlikely to be characterised as acetone like. The NNW wind is downwind from parts of the complex. Unable to confirm odour source.


Review of site activities, site inspection and boundary investigation.  Investigation along Maidstone St and around callers location.  Unable to contact caller for further discussions.


OriginSource not identified unlikely complex