Excessive noise from flaring or operations

Type of complaint: Noise -
Call received: 20/04/2016 7:00am


Complaint Details

Date of observation:19/04/2016 9:40pm
Date of call:20/04/2016 7:00am
Street: Brook drive


Wind directionNorth
Wind Speed7 Knots
Investigation result

The complaint was received by Email @ 07:00 on 20th April. in which a resident wanted to register a complaint about excessive noise from flaring or operations for tonight. It's been going for a while tonight and is still occurring now at 10.40pm.

The delayed report due to email rather than a call to the EAL meant there was no opportunity to investigate potential sources of noise at the time.

A review of plant data  shows that there was no flaring or other noisy activities at the Qenos facilities for the reported noisy period with the noise meter at the Qenos Olefins flare confirms normal plant noise levels.

A portable noise meter set up in Charles Road for community noise monitoring for the Qenos noise EIP shows elevated noise levels with an almost due North wind at the time of the reported higher noise.



No specific plant sources identified that could explain the reported noise, while the noise meter at the plant confirms normal plant noise. The higher noise levels measured at Charles Road with North winds has been observed before and is due to an increased contribution of noise from the North of the complex in particular freeway noise.

This increased transmission of noise under these conditions from all Northerly sources including the complex is believed to be responsible for the increased level of noise reported by the resident. No specific source confirmed.


OriginSource not identified plausible Complex