Type of complaint: Noise - - Rumbling
Call received: 27/12/2017 3:10am
Date of observation: | 27/12/2017 3:10am |
Date of call: | 27/12/2017 3:10am |
Street: | Galvin Street |
Suburb: | Altona |
Wind direction | North east at time of call |
Wind Speed | 5 knotts |
Investigation result | The complaint was about general on going plant noise which is more evident at night. It is a rumbling noise that can rattle the windows that the caller described as becoming more noticeable over time in particular the last year or so. The investigation at the time of the call did not identify the noise. There was no flaring in the plants at the time and the plant noise meters were at normal levels. |
Response | Nothing specific identified at the time. As this complaint is about a reported ongoing and increasing noise at the location, noise monitoring conducted in 2018 will check this location for the presence of a rumbling sound to try and identify a source. |
Outcome | Complaint |
Origin | Source not identified plausible Complex |