Maidstone Street Odour

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions - - Chemical
Call received: 26/02/2017 8:15am


Complaint Details

Date of observation:26/02/2017 8:15am
Date of call:26/02/2017 8:15am
Street: Brook Dve


Wind directionNorth to North North West
Wind Speed4-5 Knots
Investigation result

No decoking or other activities identified at Olefins potentially associated with offsite odours.  Operator investigated inside Olefins and along Maidstone St and Kororoit Creek Rd and was unable to detect any odours.

Based on the location of where the odour was observed and the light wind conditions at the time, the odour is not consistent with originating from the complex.

The callers description of the odour characteristics is also not consistent with those potentially from the complex.



Complaint classified as Source Not Identified, Unlikely Complex. 

It is considered likely the odours originated from north of the complex.


OriginSource not identified unlikely complex