Noise from Flaring or Plant

Type of complaint: Noise -
Call received: 25/05/2015 7:30am

Complaint Details

Date of observation:24/05/2015 11:30pm
Date of call:25/05/2015 7:30am
Street: Brook Dve


Wind directionNorth
Wind Speed5-7 knots
Investigation result

Community Environment audit conducted by Environment Adviser @ 0630 on 25 May did  not identify any abnormal/unusual noises. Qenos plant operational noise and freeway noise evident in the monitoring locations, Jordan close, Charles Road and Grieve Parade.  Noise levels measured by Sound Level Meter were similar to past community audits under these conditions. Similar noise was evident in Brooke drive.  Wind conditions at the  time of the audit were similar to those of the previous evening when the resident reported the noise.  Qenos operations were reviewed and no abnormal operational noise sources were identified. Flaring was discounted after discussion with resident confirming that the noise level was constant sounding more like plant noise.


Complaint classified as plausible complex source.


OriginSource not identified plausible Complex