Petrochemical Odour

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions -
Call received: 27/12/2019 9:04pm


Complaint Details

Date of observation:27/12/2019 9:00pm
Date of call:27/12/2019 9:04pm
Street: Charles Rd


Wind directionNorth West to North North West
Wind Speed2 to 4 knots
Investigation result

North west to north north west wind consistent with callers location for possible Olefins ETP odours at time of call.  A wind change to the South West had occurred prior to the on site investigation, hence the ETP or other potential odour sources could not be confirmed.  No plant upset or abnormal operating conditions were identified, the storm pond was empty.


Site inspection and boundary investigation. The Effluent Treatment Plant was operating normally.  Follow up discussion with caller.


OriginSource not identified plausible Complex