Petrol Chemical Odour

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions -
Call received: 08/05/2020 2:38pm


Complaint Details

Date of observation:08/05/2020 2:35pm
Date of call:08/05/2020 2:38pm
Street: Charles Rd


Wind directionNorth West to North North West
Wind Speed15 to 20 Knots
Investigation result

Site investigation at ETP following call did not identify odours at site boundary. Wind variable during morning mostly NW to NNW which is toward callers location. Environmental officer conducting routine offsite inspection at 08:00 and 16:50 and did not detect odours beyond the ETP boundary or plantation. Unable to confirm Olefins ETP as the source of the odour.


Site inspection and ETP boundary investigation. Two offsite odour investigations.  Review of plant and ETP operating conditions.  Further information and discussion with caller.


OriginSource not identified plausible Complex