Roaring Jet Engine Noise

Type of complaint: Noise - - Roaring
Call received: 17/12/2016 7:30am


Complaint Details

Date of observation:17/12/2016 7:30am
Date of call:17/12/2016 7:30am
Street: Littler Crt, Altona Meadows.


Wind directionWSW to SW
Wind SpeedAverage 8 Knots
Investigation result

Investigator attended callers location, the only noise source detected was the local freeway hum, he could not detect complex noise. There was no complex flaring or other non routine activities taking place likely to cause offsite noise.


The wind direction (WSW to SW) over the reported period is not consistent with being from the complex.


The Qenos Olefins flare noise meters indicated there was no increase in noise during the times the caller reported.


Investigation indicated complex noise was not detected at the callers location.  Qenos noise meters confirm no increase in noise emissions over the reported period.  No complex activities undertaken place potentially associated with offsite noise. Wind not consistent with a complex noise source.


OriginOutside Complex