Strong chemical smell

Type of complaint: Odours/Emissions - - Chemical
Call received: 24/05/2016 8:10pm


Complaint Details

Date of observation:24/05/2016 8:10pm
Date of call:24/05/2016 8:10pm
Street: Linnet Street


Wind directionNNW
Wind Speed6 Knots
Investigation result

The area around the callers locations was checked by 8:30 pm and no odours were detected.


Wind conditions had been calm for an hour to 7:50 PM and then moved steadily up to about 6 Knots from a NNW direction by 8:10 pm and stabilised. It is probable that a transient pocket of odour accumulated during the calm period that was then carried to the receivers location as the wind picked up. No odour detected shortly after during the investigation. It is considered to be unlikely to be Complex related given the location and short duration of the odour.


OriginSource not identified unlikely complex