Whooping Noise and Odour

Type of complaint: Noise - - Whooshing
Call received: 14/07/2016 7:50am


Complaint Details

Date of observation:14/07/2016 7:30am
Date of call:14/07/2016 7:50am
Street: Brook Dve


Wind directionNorth North West
Wind Speed10 Knots
Investigation result

The investigation confirmed the Plastics elevated flare was audible in Brook Drive.  An increase in noise was also confirmed by the Olefins noise meter.

The flare steam rate was higher than planned at the time of the complaint while the plant operations were being established.

No odours evident during the site investigation and no Complex activities coincident with complaint that would explain odour.  Wind direction consistent with complex.  Odours emanating from north north west of the complex had been reported at Olefins on the morning of the complaint.


Plastics flaring ceased by 10 am on the morning of the complaint. 

Steps have been taken to prevent future high steam rates that occurred on this occasion.

No odour confirmed.  Plausible complex.


OriginQenos Plastics